Monday, August 16, 2010


Suddenly, I got a completely new vocabulary!

We considered several ways for our oldest son to learn his new language and getting to know people his own age before going to school in September. By almost stumbling into a Games Workshop he found the ultimate way to learn. He has been learning to play Warhammer 40 000, in a hobby oriented shop, and has learnt quite a lot of English in the process.

Almost immediately he chose to play with and extend his Orc Ork army, getting to shout Waagh! every now and again. He has been painting detailed models and has learned more about the different Orc Ork clans and their colours, specific weaponry and armors than I thought possible. 

I worry a bit about the language he is now using. He knows about a million words essential to the game, but quite difficult to use in normal conversation. How do you explain that you want someone to pass the milk with words for deploying armies in a scenic battle-field?

As I have followed him to the Workshop, I have gained quite a vocabulary as well. I now know what an Orc Ork Stompa, a Big Shoota and a Killa Kan is.

The big fellow above is an Orc Ork Stompa. It is assembled from over 250 pieces of plastic and meticulously painted by hand before wreaking havoc at any battle-field. And the eldest sons biggest wish for a birthday present...


  1. Useful knowledge about the Orks ( yes, in space they are spelled with a 'k', and not a 'c', unless Games Workshop has changed their mind the last 10 years) is that 'The red ones go faster'.

  2. Ah - thanks Feki! I wouldn't want to upset Games Workshop :-)
